Brother Bob DeWitt is Staff Evangelist at the Lighthouse Baptist Church in Horseheads, New York USA.  He became a Christian in 1969 when, at the age of thirteen, he believed the Gospel of Christ and asked the Lord to save him.  Surrendering his life to God at fifteen years of age, Brother DeWitt went to Bible college immediately after high school and has now been in full time gospel ministry for thirty-five years.  He has been a senior pastor, assistant pastor, evangelist, and is a song-leader, musician, and vocal soloist.  Brother DeWitt founded the Tri-State Independent Baptist Youth Fellowship, centered in Erie Pennsylvania USA.  He founded Solid Rock Youth Ministries, Inc. and for nearly twenty years has sought to win young people to Christ through services in youth detention centers, children’s homes, and through a toll-free telephone hotline.  He is the author of “Real Hope for Teens,” “Accepted in the Beloved,” and various gospel tracts for teens and Buddhists.  Brother DeWitt has traveled and preached in over forty U.S. States, Canada, Mexico, England, Netherlands, Ukraine, Japan, Korea, Thailand, and Myanmar.  In 2008 Brother DeWitt began working with national pastors in Myanmar and Thailand and founded Golden Land Baptist Missions which is his single focus today.